Sunday, March 4th
Genesis 15:5-12, 17-18. Philippians 3:17-4:1. Luke 9:28-31

The Covenant made with the sons of men when time began is continually renewed for the one and many. Your Creator Lord, Father of all born into His world, has created you in His love and calls you to His loving service in fellowship with all whom He has created. But origin and relationship must be claimed by the children of the Father’s love if the joy and glory and perfection which He seeks for them realised. And they must live and work in obedience and faithfulness in faith and trust and love and in committed fellowship with all. He calls each one to become an image of His likeness in the grace and power and glory of His love.

I, the Father’s Son, begotten before time was through the love and power of His Being, entered human life to offer pattern and perfection through My obedience and My faithfulness to His will and loving purpose. All following in the way of truth in love and in self-giving may see the light and joy and power of the Father’s love through Me, for it is given them to perceive and know as they respond in the grace and power of My indwelling and the light and guiding of our Holy Spirit.