Wednesday, March 14th
Deuteronomy 4:1, 8-9. Matthew 5:17-19

I, the Father’s Son, beloved and loving, am the Father’s word to every one of His beloved sons and daughters in his created world He sent me into His world and I became His incarnate love. And through My life and ministry, My death and risen life I bring all responding to His loving purpose into the fulness of eternal life, Our Holy Spirit sanctifying in Our love.

All obedient to the Father’s word and faithful in His love grow into the perfection of His will and purpose for them, slowly but surely reflecting the image of His likeness. Faults, failures and imperfections are forgiven ad cancelled in the grace and power of My saving love as they are repented and left behind along the way.

Rejoice, then, in Our challenging, comprehensive and all-embracing love. Let its power and potential fill your heart and mind and reach out to others near and far according to the Father’s loving purpose. I speak to every one in family, community and nation.