Tuesday, March 27th
Numbers 21:4. John 8:21-30

All sin who do not respond to the word spoken in their heart and mind and who turn from the light offered them. Sin is deadly: all refusing the light offered and turning from the truth given them are lost in the darkness of their own choosing. Without the light they cannot see, without the truth they cannot know and without the life they die.

I, the Father’s Love Incarnate and His Incarnate Word, am the light and life and truth sent by Him in time to every one of His beloved sons and daughters who turn from sin and service of the self to freedom in His love and light and power in His will and loving service.

Turn now, beloved of Me and of My Father, turn often. All sin who fall short of the Father’s will for them in the context of their life and living. But through My indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit you are brought to the fulness of eternal life in the glorious Presence of the Father as you continue faithful and obedient. In the way.

My death is life for you, My risen life is power in you.