Sunday, March 11th
Exodus 3:1-8, 13-15. 1 Corinthians .6, 10-12. Luke 13:1-8
(Isaiah 55:1-5)

The Father, creator and sustainer of all that is and of all that is becoming, has appointed me, His Son beloved and loving, to reveal His love to each and every one as each and all are willing to receive it.

I, the Father’s Love Incarnate and His Incarnate Word, enter heart and mind open to receive truth as it is offered and ready to respond in faith and trust and in self-giving. I come to the one and many in every place and race and faith and time, revealing the Father’s love and speaking His call to live in truth and peace, in justice and in loving kindness and to seek his will and loving purpose.

As love is received and taken into heart and mind and as the word offered is employed in life and living so is the soul prospered, community enriched.

As for judgement, it is self-inflicted wounding of each one and of community and nation rejecting the Father’s love and word and life eternal.

I am The Way, The Truth, The Life.