Sunday, February 5th
Jesus said, "It is not the healthy that need a doctor but the sick : I did not come to invite virtuous people but sinners"
Mark 2:17

There is a sinfulness which issues from weakness and from culpable ignorance. Such, if not redressed, brings about debilitation and ultimate disintegration of the soul. And at some time all sin through weakness of flesh or will : to recognise the failure and seek to remedy is to progress. And no matter how often the sinner fails, so long as there is the recognition of failure , the desire for forgiveness and the intention to overcome , there is success and progress. For I minister and receive to Myself the penitent sinner, setting him on the way again in hope.

He who regards himself as whole and yet lives apart from the loving purpose of their Heavenly Father deceives himself . And there is neither life nor light within him. His condition is far more serious than that of the reluctant sinner who falls many times. For no one who fails to relate to the perfection of their Heavenly Father may grow or survive. And he who sees the light and experiences the life, however dimly, never ceases to be aware of his imperfection and failures in the light of the perfection of his Heavenly Father . But through the light and power of Our Holy Spirit and the life of My resurrection through redemption , the committed, loving disciple is brought to the joy of eternity.