Friday, February 3rd
The Chief Priests consulted that they might put Lazarus also to death because by reason of him many of the Jews believed
John 12:11

I am the light of the world, lightening every one who ever came into the world or ever will. And it was the Father's loving purpose to reveal to humankind the nature of love an the purpose of His loving will ; that all should learn in and trough Me of both love and loving purpose, and that all should be manifested in My incarnate life.. All who have, do, and will bear witness to loving Heavenly Father do so through My enabling through and in the power of out holy Spirit. My incarnation was for all times and for all people of all nations and tribes , My death effectual for every person whoever lived : the redeemed, sanctified children of the Father are thus through their response to My light and my leading in whatsoever condition or situation they are placed. And those who now rejoice in the nearer Presence of their loving Heavenly Father are caught up in the cosmic, enlightening, enloving process, as it is given them. How mortally serious, then, to turn from light when it is recognised and begins to reveal a pattern and a challenge in life and living. For those who have sought to extinguish that light, for reasons of hate or self-aggrandisement, there is the reward of darkness and self-destruction unless they repent . Let My followers never cease to pray in Me for those who persist in wrong-doing, " Father forgive them and bring them at last to Your Presence in Love"