Monday, February 27th
Jesus came to Nazareth and spoke to the people in the synagogue, " I tell you solemnly, no prophet is every accepted in his own country …………" .and those in the synagogue sprang to their feet, hustled Him out of the town and took him up to the brow of the hill, intending to throw him down, but He slipped through the crowd and walked away
Luke 9:30

The Word, The Incarnate Word, came to the place of His birth and childhood. Requested in the synagogue to read the Scriptures and preach from the reading, He gave words of enlightenment regarding the Father's loving purpose for the people through the life and ministry Him whom He had sent. The Father was offering the Incarnate Word to His beloved children for their healing , growth and direction unto eternal life. And they sought to destroy Him.And so it has been down the ages from time immemorial amongst the children of men, called to be sons of God. He has spoken, speaks today, and will so do until the end of time. All that is necessary to hear His speaking and receive His directing is an open, sensitive, searching spirit , an acceptance of weakness, frailty and failure, and a willingness to be restored continually in the way : the challenge to accept the Word or destroy it is open to each and every one, for all are free to choose.For this the Incarnate Word lived, taught, healed, suffered and died. And through the loving obedience of the Incarnate Word the Father's loving purpose for each and every one of the Father's beloved children, the power and the joy of eternal life, is available to all who seek in faith ad trust and love.