Sunday, October 9th
Jesus said, " Follow Me………..you must announce the Kingdom of the Father"

Follow in My steps , looking to Me in love, in patience, and in joyful abandonment . But give yourself space and time to allow My Presence to permeate your being and direct you in the way. Remember, without me you can do nothing

You cannot follow faithfully and profitably unless you carefully read the signposts and take the turnings indicated. My Presence is never far but your discernment of it varies. So to read and follow the signposts is vital.

And as you follow faithfully in My steps, in the light of Our Holy Spirit and the power of our love, the Kingdom of the Father will be announced. But it will be done through and not by you. Always remember that.

The primary need is clarity of vision and faithful obedience to that which is perceived, praying the Father, through My Person, for all the resources needful for the execution. Your Heavenly Father precedes your request, holding in His loving hands all that you need for the tasks. But you do need the constant reminder both of the undergirding power and of your own frailty and your inability to provide the resources needful for the undertakings.

If you follow Me in all things you will inevitably and joyfully announce the Kingdom of the Father.