Friday, October 14th
He bare the sin of many and made intercession for the transgressors
Isaiah 53:12

Give us today our daily bread.

As it was My daily bread to do the will of My Father when I walked among men in the time of My earthly habitation so is it now. And as My beloved children grow and develop into wholeness and holiness so must they identify with this centrifugal point and purpose of My ministry.

First there must be a conscious offering of the self - the total self - in love and service, and this must be a continual, continuous act of commitment made often in penitence, always in faith and in love. Then there must come an identification with the will of the Father for the dedicated, cleansed single-minded soul. Then willingness to be involved in the transfiguration of the Father's world , howsoever it is expedient for each. Every one of the Father's committed, l loving children has his responsibility in love in this matter. Such is to be found and understood, ministered to and taken into the system by and in the light and power of Our holy Spirit.

None can redeem save the Son of Man who came to earth to save and present faultless before the Father all who commit themselves to participate in the Father's loving purpose however they perceive it and respond to it. But all may share as they grow and show themselves willing and worthy through Our loving guidance, in the knowledge and understanding of the cost, in such measure as it is given. Such anguish has a joyful, triumphant outcome in and through My saving love for it is redemptive.