Sunday, October 2nd
Jesus said, "Set your mind on God's Kingdom and His justice and everything else will come to you as well."
Matthew 6:33

The Kingdom is the Father's, the power and the glory. So here is the coping stone, the centrifugal point of power and fulfilment Let all who understand this truth live by it and work in the light of it. Never lose sight of the knowledge and realisation that as all initiative and power comes from the Father, so must the thanksgiving and glory be attributed to Him also. This is not because the Father seeks or needs the glory but because when taken to himself by the person who has received the insight and dynamic it destroys both the person and the enterprise at worst and endangers and emasculates at least.

Those who are launched on the path of finding and helping create the Father's Kingdom are involved in that which they were destined to do before time was. And this accommodates setbacks and failures in human performance. Even so have those found whom men call saints, committed their whole selves, and they are utterly fulfilled, by grace, and through Our Holy Spirit. Others may be faint but pursuing yet on the High Way. All are the Father's children and all, unless they have willingly forsworn their birthright, proceed along the way relating to that which they perceive of the Father's love and purpose and to their fellowmen.

Prodigal are the gifts and great the potential for all who seek the Father's Kingdom and His justice. All is available and ready for use as it is needed. Accept each day's provision.