Friday, October 7th

Study the resources you have been given , both for your own progress and also for the projection of Our life and light into the world of men and women and children.

Study them and then dispose yourself for the orientation which will be given you for expediting them and ministering in interpretation to those who respond and look for help in addressing themselves to that which is put before them.

So may of today's children of the Father, My brothers and sisters by virtue of My Incarnation, have not cleared the first hurdle of true living, namely, the death of self and commitment to that which it is given them to do and to become.

Others come to terms with the necessity of discipline and order in thought and word and deed. So do they find themselves in no fit condition to stay the course . As My servant Paul pointed out, "They that run in a race run all, but one receiveth a prize: So run that ye may obtain".

But finally I look for my beloved disciples to share the burden of suffering which so many of the inhabitants of the world endure. In identification and caring, looking for caring action as they are guided; such is faithfulness in that sharing, that yoked responsibility in and through My love, new redeemed life emerges, and through the total, undemanding, self-giving of the few heroic souls many are brought to salvation and eternity and to eternal life and joy.