Monday, October 17th
Come unto Me all ye that are heavy-laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of Me , for I am meek and lowly of heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden light
Matt. 11:23

Learning must be done at the feet of the master if it is to be authentic. And method needs must be practised according to his direction. So it is with every art and skill, knowledge and philosophy the world over and from time immemorial.

The greatest, most far-reaching and valuable knowledge for life is concerned with the nature, discipleship and extension of the Kingdom. Much elementary knowledge concerning this may be gained - gained from texts and from people who have become the deposits of knowledge by their personal commitment and by the effective working of Dynamic Love and Our Holy Spirit in them.

But there is no substitute for direct personal commitment and experience. The simple and the unlettered often confound the versed and the intelligent by their application to the truth of commitment in love to that which they perceive with their informed hearts and wills, and to the progress experienced by faithfulness and love.

Herein, then, is knowledge and progress, rest and refreshment and identification in love with the Source of all power and perfection for the one and or the many. Act accordingly.