Thursday, October 20th
I am the Lord, that is My Name: And My glory will I not give to another, neither My praise to graven images
Isaiah 42:8.

Truth, beauty, goodness and virtue, love, integrity and all that makes for wholeness and holiness; these are the attributes of those that are faithful to the life and work which is put before them. The beauty and the joy of the fulfilled life, the soul who, having seen and understood, faithfully follows to the end in my love and in the power of Our Holy Spirit is wonderful indeed. It is not secured without pain and travail but the sorrow is only for a season and it is an intrinsic part of the path to salvation which is opened up as faithful following progresses.

How I yearn for the faithful following of all My beloved children, how deeply grieve for the many who are waylaid in their life and trivialities and vain and rewarding aims. How can they even perceive the reflections of the glories of reality when they are bowing down before the image of banality? So many immerse themselves in work and leisure occupations which bring no reward save to occupy their time and effort and so keep them from evil pursuits. Yet their growth is stunted, their image under developed their progress in reality stayed.

Pray that the children of the West awake to the great destiny to which each and everyone is called. Be willing to be used to imprint upon those with whom you associate the great and glorious design which it is the Father's loving purpose to bestow on all who look and work and live for its pattern and fulfilment.