Tuesday, October 18th
I, the Lord, have called thee in righteousness and I will hold thy hand, and will keep thee for a covenant to the people for a light to the Gentiles
Isaiah 42:6

The Son of Man came in the fullness of time, called to bring peace, establish justice and offer salvation to all who walk in the way of righteousness and love. And Our Holy Spirit worked from within the heart and mind of each one, as He has done from the beginning of time and shall do even unto the end.

And I, the Lord, call each and every one of the children He has created, the sons of men whom He has nurtured, to follow in the way of righteousness so to become in such a way as is shown, a measure of covenant, a reflection of the light; so that many may come to the joy of fulfilment to the joy of rejoicing in eternity in all that has ever been.

All are called in love, all are called to service, and all are held who commit themselves in love and service to that which is revealed to them.

Rejoice then, and renew your faithfulness daily, letting our light shine through, our life fill and enable you "that your light may so shine before men that they may glorify your Heavenly Father", your life so speak that it both fulfils your calling and witnesses to the many who follow along the way.