Wednesday October 5th
Galatians 2:1-2. Luke 11:1-4

Variously and individually the Most High speaks to His beloved sons and daughters, but corporately invites knowledge and understanding of His will and loving purpose for one and all. His love for one is His love for all, and all are called to love and serve each other and those who seek to find, and finding give themselves to Love’s indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit.

Pray that the Father’s will be done in you, and , through you, in His beloved sons and daughters to whom He leads you, and that His Kingdom may be established and consolidated where His holiness is responded to and received in faith and trust ad self-giving. All that is needed is given to the faithful and the true of heart who are obedient to the Father’s word in the grace and power of His love. And remember, you are always forgiven as you forgive and offer all you are to Love’s indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit: I speak to one, I speak to every one.