October 16th
17:8-13. 2 Timothy 3:14-4:2. Luke
The Father’s Word speaks
constantly and challengingly to
every one. Listen and seek meaning
and direction through Our loving
Holy Spirit. Through the Scriptures
and through quiet waiting in the
silence of eternity Truth is offered
and given and power to respond to
all continuing faithful in the Way.
Do not weary in well-doing, in listening
or self-giving. ‘In returning
and rest you will be saved and in
quietness and trust shall be your
strength. You are one of many who
seek to find and finding become
faithful stewards in the Father’s
Kingdom in and through the grace
and power of Our redeeming, sanctifying
‘Press on towards the goal
for the prize of your high calling’
that We may present you to the Father
in the fulness of eternity with
all made perfect in and through
Our love.