October 18th
St. Luke
2 Corinthians
4:7-15. Matthew 28:16-20
The Spirit of the living God is
with all who, listening for the
Father’s Word and responding
to it, witness to the Truth revealed
in their life and living through
My indwelling and the light and
leading of Our Holy Spirit.
‘Faith is the substance of
things hoped for, the evidence of
things not seen’, the Father’s
gift to all who follow faithfully
in the Way as they are led and guided
by Our Holy Spirit. ‘Find
your strength in the Lord your God,
in His mighty power, take salvation
for the helmet and that which the
Spirit gives you in the words that
come from God. (Ephesians 6::10,
17). Pray on every occasion in the
power of the Spirit’ and remember,
‘I am with you always, even
to the end of time’. Matthew