March 21st
42:1-7. John 12:1-11
You are a thought in the mind of
the Most High before creation, formed
by and through His Love and called
to be a finger of His hand, bringing
power in His world to be His life
and light and truth through Love’s
I, His beloved and loving Son, am
His appointed one who came into
His world to be His redeeming love
to all responding to His Word and
– with and through Our Holy
Spirit, - ‘serve the cause
of right…open the eyes of
the blind, bring out prisoners from
the dungeon, and from prison those
who sat in darkness’. (Isaiah
Bring all you have and all you are
to the Father. Offer it in love
and praise and thanksgiving that
He may fulfil His loving purpose
in you and give you the place He
prepared or you in His Kingdom of
Eternal Life and Light and Love,
in fellowship with all made perfect
in and through the grace and power
of our redeeming, sanctifying love.