March 1st
3:25,34-43. Matthew 18::21-35
The Father, Lord Most High, ‘will
not abandon you, nor will He withdraw
His everlasting bond’ (Deut
31:6.) with the faithful and the
true of heart who obey His word
and follow in the way as they are
led and guided by Our Holy Spirit,
nor will He withdraw His loving-kindness,
for His Love ‘will be with
you always, even to the end of time’
But let it be known and fully understood
by each and every one of the Father’s
beloved sons and daughters that
they must be obedient to His Word,
spoken to each and every one - and
to communities and nations - that
they must respond in faith and trust
and self-giving in the grace and
power of Our love and seek to know
and do the Father’s will in
all things according to His loving
purpose for them and for one and
all in His glorious world.