Wednesday, March 2nd
Deuteronomy 4:1, 5-9. Matthew 5:17-19

Hear, O Israel, and all the sons and daughters of the Father’s love in every place and race and time and dispensation. The Lord is God, the Lord alone. Worship Him with all your heart and soul and might, and love your neighbour as yourself, for so the Father, Lord Most High has commanded. I, the Father’s Word and Love Incarnate, Son of Man and brother of all born into the Father’s world, am the Way, the Truth, the Life to each and every one who give themselves to Love’s indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit.

The Lord your God is holy, and all responding to His Word in the grace and power of His love are given holiness as they continue faithful in the Way. And they are brought to the fulness of His Presence in eternity in fellowship with all made perfect in and through His Love. And they are made holy even as He, the Most High, is holy, and they will live with Him for ever in the beauty of holiness and in perfect Love.