October 30th
Romans 9:1-5.
Luke 14:1-6
Your heritage is great: be faithful
to it. The Father’s compassionate
love is boundless: respond to it. I speak
to every one of the Father’s beloved
son and daughters in every place and race
and time.
The Most High, father of every one born
into His world, seeks to draw you to his
glorious, powerful Presence and –
through you and through all your brothers,
sisters and communities near and far faithful
to His word and obedient in His love -
to consolidate and extend His Kingdom
of eternal life and light and love in
His created world.
All are called and challenged to respond
to the Father’s will and loving
purpose but they are given freedom to
accept or refuse the way, the truth, the
life We offer them. Pray for knowledge
and understanding of the Truth, progress
in the Way and power to do and to become
all the Father wills and purposes for
you in time and through eternity.