Sunday, October 18th
Isaiah 53:10-11. Hebrews 4:14-16. Mark 10:35-45

The seer and the prophet know, the faithful and the true of heart will accept all that is promised and offered them in and through Our love; and Our Holy Spirit enlightens, strengthens inspires and brings all things to fulfilment according to the Father’s will and loving purpose. Believe and trust. The Father’s beloved and loving Son, His word and love incarnate, is the Way, the Truth, the Life, the beginning, the means and the end of the Father’s loving purpose in His created world.

All is brought to perfection and fulfilment for the Father’s sons and daughters who respond to His word in and through the grace and power of Our redeeming, sanctifying love.

Identify with the Son of Man: follow in His steps and offer all you have and all you are to the Father, Lord of all, through Love’s indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit.