March 7th
7:14-15, 18-20. Luke 15:1-3,11-32
Your heavenly Father loves every
one of His beloved with such love
as cannot be imagined in a thousand
light years and He desires and seeks
their perfection in His Presence
ceaselessly, offering The Way, The
Truth, the Life to each and every
Respond, then as the way is opened
up to you. Turn or continue in The
Way in and through the grace and
power of My indwelling and the light
and guiding of Our Holy Spirit.,
To each one and to the many joined
together in love and self-giving
the Father’s Word is spoken.
Pray ceaselessly both for yourself
and for all who travel in The Way,
that the Father’s will be
done, His love received and welcomed
and made the power and glory of
the fulfilment of His loving purpose
in His world.