Tuesday, March 17th
Ezekiel 42:1-9,12. John 5:1-16

I, the Father’s Word and love incarnate, am coming soon to embrace the faithful in Our love and complete in them the good purpose of the Father’s perfect will. And that is judgment and fulfilment, challenge in the Way, and progress towards the fulness of eternity in time for the faithful and the true of heart.

Yes, I am coming soon, but I am with you always, even to the end of time – at the threshold of the Father’s Presence and at His side glorifying Him and drawing all to Him who are in me, Incarnate Love, and I in them. I am perfection and fulfilment, the Way, the Truth, the Life to and in the Father’ Presence. Be perfect, then, in and through Me in the grace and power of Our Holy Spirit.

The Father and I are one.