Friday, March 27th
Ezekiel 17:21-28. John 11:45-56

The powers of darkness and of opposition are constantly around the sons of men for they are free to choose the way they follow: self-indulgence, careless and unenlightened living, seeking after power, with hate and envy – all combine to destroy the light and life and truth which the Father offers to bring to His beloved sons and daughters to His Presence and their fulfilment though Love’s indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit.

Let each and every beloved son and daughters of the Lord Most High who was loved into being to glorify Him and come to perfection and fulfilment be challenged by the Way, the Truth, the Life in all they think and say and do and give themselves to the grace and power of Love’s salvation and empowering that they may glorify the Father and come into His Presence in time and through eternity.