Thursday, March 19th
St. Joseph
2 Samuel 7:4-5. Romans 4:13-16. Matthew 1:16-18

Faith, the Substance of things hoped for and the Reality of things not seen is the way, the truth, the life for every one of the Father’s beloved sons and daughters who respond to the Father’s Word in the grace and power of His Love. Follow, then, receive and welcome the Father’s will according to His loving purpose: I speak to one I speak to every one. So will you become full members of His Kingdom of eternal life and light and love, brothers and sisters of the Son of man as you continue in His steps, faithful and obedient in the Way.

The Way is challenging but perfecting and fulfilling, bringing the faithful to the Father’s Presence in time and through eternity. Be faithful, then, in the grace and power of Our redeeming, sanctifying love.