Sunday, September 21st
Isaiah 55:6-9. Philippians 1:20-24. Matthew 20:1-16

You were loved into being by your heavenly Father to glorify Him in His world and to become a member of His Kingdom of Eternal Life and Light and Love, fulfilling His will and loving purpose for you and for all with whom He seeks to unite you.

Respond to His love in faith and trust and absolute self-giving. Through prayer and meditation the way is to be found Realise Our constant Presence in your heart and mind and give time and place each day to let the King of Glory enter and fill your inner being.

So will the Father’s will be done in you as you continue obedient to the Father’s word and faithful in His love and you will be brought to perfection and fulfillment in His Presence in the fullness of eternity in fellowship with all made perfect in and through Our love.