Saturday, September 20th
Andrew Kim Taegon, Paul Chong Hasang and Companions, martyrs
Wisdom 3:1-9, Luke 9:23-26

The Father loves each one of His beloved sons and daughters as though there were no other. His Only-begotten and beloved Son became the Son of Man according to the Father’s will and loving purpose and I, the Father’s Love and Word Incarnate, came into the Father’s world that through My life and death and risen life all might have life and have it in abundance.

Identify with the Son of Man, beloved brothers and sisters of the Son of Man, in and through the grace and power of Our love that you may come to the fulness of eternal life and the glorious Presence of the Father, Lord of all on earth and in heaven in time and through eternity. ‘Renounce your self, take up your cross and follow me, for anyone who loses his life for My sake will find it’.