Friday, September 6th
Colossians 1:15-20. Luke 5:33-39

All things and all the souls of His beloved sons and daughters were in the mind and heart of the Most High before time was or anything created. I, His Only-begotten Son brought them forth in time and I am their perfection and fulfilment in time and eternity.

Then enter the door and make progress in the way of My indwelling: I speak to every one of the Father’s beloved sons and daughters in every race and place and faith and dispensation. Let one and all and all together be faithful to the word and traditions of those who have gone before them where they are inspired by faith, integrity and love; but let one and all together reach out for the truth the Father seeks to give to each and every one according to His will and loving purpose for them and for their community and people.

Issuing from the Lord of all creation I draw all who are in Me and I in them to the Father who offers them perfection and fulfilment in and through Our redeeming, sanctifying love according to His will and loving purpose in the grace and power of Our Holy Spirit.