Wednesday, September 25th
Ezra 9:5-9. Luke 9:1-6

All things in heaven earth are in the hands of the Most High, lord of all things created and uncreated; He offers His creative and re-creative power to the sons and daughters of His love to share in the creation of his Kingdom of eternal life and light and love in time and through eternity. And He restores and re-instates the one and many in His created world who look to Him when they stumble, fall, but pray to Him to restore them to the hope and promise of their high calling.

Let one and all, alone and in local, national and international communities, acknowledge their failures in commitment to the Lord of All and in their failure of right stewardship of His gifts and blessings; and let one and all in prayer and absolute self-giving seek His will for them – each one and all together.

Knowledge, wisdom and power to serve the one and many are given to all who seek to follow as they are led and guided by Our Holy Spirit: and they are given to serve the Lord of All and their brothers and their sisters near and far as they continue faithful in the way.