Monday, September 23rd
Ezra 1:1-6. Luke 8:16-18

The Word spoken by the Father, Lord of all on earth and in heaven is life and light and truth to all receiving it. The light shines in the darkness of the created world and in the heart and mind of each and every one born into it.

All who listen to the Father’s Word and respond in faith and trust are given the light of life to enter and progress in life eternal and that is for the illumination of the way to others too as Our Holy Spirit leads and guides and as they follow in and through the grace and power of Love’s indwelling.

Listen, then, to the Father’s Word spoken in your heart and mind and through the Scriptures and respond to it according to the Father’s will and loving purpose in and through Our redeeming, sanctifying love. The mind grows by what it feeds on, the soul reflects the life and light and truth received. ‘So take care how you hear, for anyone who has will receive more…..’ (Luke 8:18). I, the Father’ Word and Love Incarnate speak to every one of His beloved sons and daughters.