September 2nd
1 Corinthians
2:1-5. Luke 4:16-30
Pray to the Most High, lord of
all in heaven and earth, that He
will give you understanding of the
way the truth, the life and progress
in the way as you are led and guided
by Our Holy Spirit.
Listen to the word of the Most
High which is constantly spoken
in your heart and mind and respond
in faith and trust in the grace
and power of My indwelling.
Commit your whole self and all
you have and are to Him who calls
you to His Presence and to service
in His Kingdom of eternal life and
light and love. I, the Father’s
Word incarnate and His incarnate
Son am the Way, the Truth, the Life
to and in eternal life. I am the
Light, the Life, the Truth in all
who seek the Father’s will
and do it in the grace and power
of His Love through My indwelling
and the light and guiding of Our
Holy Spirit. I am the crucified
and risen Saviour of one and all
who are in me and I in them and
I bring them to the Father in time
and through eternity.