Friday, October 5th
Job 38:12-21, 40:3-5. Luke 10:13-16

The word of the Most High has spoken to all in their heart and mind according to the will and loving purpose of Him who called them into being, and is heard and recognised by all who listen and respond as they are led and guided by Our Holy Spirit. Let all be challenged by the Eternal Word, seek truth through Our light and leading and give themselves in faith and trust as the way is opened up to them. It is written, ‘ in returning and rest you shall be saved, and in quietness and trust shall be your strength’. (Isaiah 30:15)

All are accountable for their response to the call and invitation of the Most High to identify with His loving purpose in His world through the grace and power of My indwelling. All are self-judged who turn from the word and love offered to each and every one born into their heavenly Father’s world. I am the Father’s love and word incarnate: anyone who listens to Me hears the Father’s word and ‘those who reject me reject the One who sent me’. (Luke 10:16).