October 15th
The Most High, lord of
all creation, brought forth
the fruit of His almighty
love in and through His
love and spoke the Word
through which all things
were and are created, and
- in time, with and through
Our Holy Spirit,- entered
in His whole creation.
The word was spoken to
the sons of men from the
beginning of created time
and all responding in faith
and trust were and are given
power to live in the strength
and light of their heavenly
Father’s loving word
in and through Our Holy
Spirit. At the appointed
time the Father’s
Word entered in His created
world and brought the grace
and truth and power of the
Father’s love into
the reach of human being,
for ‘the Word was
made flesh’ (John
It is written, ‘the
law was given through Moses;
grace and truth came through
Jesus Christ’. (John
1:17) Through My indwelling
and the light and guiding
of Our Holy Spirit the faithful
and the true of heart are
brought to life eternal
in time and through eternity,
progressing in the Father’s
love as they continue obedient
to His word and faithful
in His love.
I, the Father’s word
and love incarnate am the
Way, the Truth the Life.
All who are in Me are in
the Father too. Come to
Me that you may know the
Father’s will and
do it according to His will
and loving purpose.