October 31st
6:1-9. Luke 15:22-30
Do not seek credit or reward
for your faithfulness in
the Way. I am your strength
and your redeemer: without
Me you can do nothing, with
I in you and you in Me the
Father’s will for
you can be accomplished
as you continue faithful
– I speak to one,
I speak to every one.
I am the Door into the
Father’s Kingdom of
eternal live and light and
love, the Means of progress
to His nearer Presence and
fulfilment of His loving
purpose in time and eternity.
The Son of Man came into
the Father’s world
not to be served but to
serve and to give Himself
as a ransom for many, and
I come to one and all continuing
faithful in the Way that
they may have eternal life
in Him who calls them to
Himself and to fellowship
one with another.
Pray that the good purpose
of the Father’s perfect
will be fulfilled in you,
in all you love and pray
for and in His world. So
will you be continually
challenged and inspired
by His word in and through
His love and brought to
perfection and fulfilment
in His Presence.