Wednesday, June 6th
Genesis 41:56-57, 42:5-7, 17-24. Matthew 10:1-7

There is food enough in the Father’s world to feed all born into it and there are resources beyond all human imagining. But greed and selfishness, jealousy and culpable inertia have closed the doors of compassion in the hearts and minds of the sons and daughters of the Father’s love and many starve in consequence.

The panacea of all ills is love – self-giving love offered by the Father to all who seek for justice, truth and satisfaction of the needs and aspirations of the one and many in the Father’s world. Love is the Dynamic and gives direction in extending the Father’s Kingdom in His world to all who give themselves to Love’s indwelling.

As Love is increasingly welcomed into heart an mind, communities and peoples, so will the hungry children of the Father’s world be fed and the Father’s Word be glorified and bring the one and many into the Father’s Kingdom of Eternal Life and Life and Love according to the Father’ will and loving purpose.