July 12th
1-15. Matthew 11:20-24
Love, compassion, justice and loving-kindness
reside in All-Being and All-Loving
and He - the Lord of All in earth
and heaven – offers them to
the children of His love. All who
respond to His word spoken in their
heart and mind and offer themselves
in faith and trust and self-giving
are strengthened through the grace
and power Our indwelling and led
and guided by Our Holy Spirit as
they continue obedient to the word
and faithful in Our love.
From him to whom much is given much
will be required: I speak to one,
I speak to every one. Be challenged
by the gifts of life and light and
truth you have received from your
loving heavenly Father and be prepared
to use them in service to the Father’s
world as you are led and guided
by Our Holy Spirit. Beware of culpable
inertia when you are called to exercise
love, compassion and loving-kindness
to the one and many near and far
in the light and grace of Our power
and Our love.