July 23rd
St. Bridget
Galatians 2:19-20, John15:1-8
As the Father is in Me and I in
Him so do I seek to be in each and
every one who calls upon My name
in faith and trust and love and
self-giving. I am the love of the
Father in His word in and through
Our Holy Spirit. Be resolute in
your trust and faithful in your
loving. I am your love, your way
to the Father through My indwelling
and the light and guiding of Our
Holy Spirit.
Through My Presence in your heart
and mind you are given to know the
Father’s will - as you continue
faithful - and power to do it in
the grace and power of Our love.
We rejoice in the faithfulness of
the true of heart and make up what
is lacking in their following as
they remain in Me and I in them.