July 11th
St. Benedict
2:1-9, Matthew 19:27-29
Joy is the reward of all who seek
truth and power to walk in it through
My indwelling and the light and
guiding of Our Holy Spirit: I, the
Father’s word incarnate am
the Way, the Truth, the Life.
Leadership and humble service of
the King of Kings and Lord of All
are given to all who follow in the
way opened to them as they offer
all they have and all they are to
Him Who calls and strengthens them
in His service.
Love is its own reward –
love of the Father in and through
His Son in and through Our Holy
Spirit. Through Love all things
are and were created and in Love
all sanctified as they are offered
in commitment to the Father’s
will and loving purpose.
Glorify the Father, then, through
His Son and the grace and power
of Our Holy Spirit both for and
in His Son and in His redeemed and
sanctified creation.
Sing ‘ hallelujah’ constantly
in heart and mind.