October 30th
1:18-26. Luke 14:1, 7-11
I am the Father’s
love in His created world,
his joy in all creation.
Through My indwelling and
the light and guiding of
Our Holy Spirit all who
seek the Father’s
will and loving purpose
become His love and His
joy in His world as they
continue faithful.
Let it be understood by
one and all in the Father’s
world that there is but
one law for one and all
and for all together which
is the law of love, one
over-riding purpose, which
is to bring the heart and
mind, the family, community
and nations into the power
and glory of the perfection
and fulfilment of Eternal
Love. The Father, Lord Creator
of all that is or was or
ever shall be, is Eternal
Love, I His Love and Word
Incarnate and Our Holy Spirit
the constant, dynamic enloving
and empowering means to
the fulfilment of the loving
purpose of the Lord of all
in His glorious creation.