Thursday, October 14th
Ephesians 1:1-10: Luke 11:47-54

All who live in love and love in them are part of the Father’s Kingdom of eternal life and light and love. All born into the Father’s world are so called, so challenged and so enabled and empowered as they are faithful and obedient in the way. And when they fall from the high intent of the Father’s glorious will and loving purpose for them they are offered Our redeeming, sanctifying to re-instate them in the way as they desire and seek it. Our love progresses, perfects and fulfils each and every one continuing faithful and brings them to the Father’s Presence in the fulness of eternity.

What sadness for the Lord of earth and heaven that even one of His beloved sons ad daughters deny the hope of their high calling for themselves and seek to destroy it for others. They are accountable, and at the end of time will be judged in love by Love for denial of the Father’s loving purpose in their life and living.