October 11th
5:1-6. Luke 11:27-41
The glory of your life
is not in what you think
or say or do but in what
you are and what you are
becoming through faith and
trust and love and absolute
self-giving. Your loving
heavenly Father who created
you from nothing and knows
what he desires for you
and from you in the fulness
of His loving purpose will
make it plain through My
indwelling and the light
and guiding of Our Holy
Spirit. Be faithful, then,
in all things, in the joy
and power of Our love.
Through singleness of mind
and purity of heart the
way is to be found, truth
revealed and life assured.
I, the Way, the Truth, the
Life to all the faithful
and the true of heart, make
all things plain. In quietness
and confidence offer all
you are and what you are
becoming to Him who calls,
progresses and empowers
all faithfully committed
in Our love.