October 23rd
4:1-16. Luke 13:1-9
The perfection of the Lord
of All is given to the One
who shares in the creation
of all that is and is the
Means of its re-creation
in the grace and power of
Eternal Love. And that same
Power calls, enables and
empowers the one and many
in all times and places
to share in the honour,
challenge and reward of
building and establishing
the Kingdom of Eternal Life
and Light and Love in the
first creation through the
Word spoken and the Love
Let one and all reach out
and worthily receive the
gifts of their high calling.
It will be given the one
and many in the particularity
of their own being and in
the fellowship of all faithful
in truth and love to identify
the contribution they are
lovingly called to make
to the glorious purpose
of the Lord of All in the
grace and power of Love’s