Tuesday, March 30th
Isaiah 49:1-4, John 113:21-33, 36-38

In the Father’s will is hope and direction: in nowhere but in Him can they be found. And I have gone before to bring these into the reach of all who seek His will and commitment in His loving purpose. At every stage of life’s journey I am present as I am sought and welcomed into heart and mind and entertained at the soul’s centre.

And if the going is sometimes hard and challenging the faithful know that they are not alone, for the Son of Man has been that way before them. So am I present a teach stage and all the way, strengthening and progressing them and bringing them to fulfilment and perfection in the end.

Love one and all as I love you in the grace and power of My indwelling in faith and trust and absolute self-giving. I speak to you, I speak to every one born into the .Father’s world. I, the Father’s Love Incarnate and His Incarnate Word have overcome the world.