Sunday, March 28th
Isaiah 50:4-7. Philippians 2:6-11. Luke 22:14, 23-56

The light kindled by the Lord Creator is dimmed by the sin and failure of the sons and daughters of his love in every generation since time began. Yet His love continues and is vested for all time in His beloved Son who came into His created world at His behest to redeem and save and – in and through Our Holy Spirit - sanctify.

I am He who comes at the Creator Lord’s appointing, laying aside My power and glory at the Father’s side to enter heart and mind of all who seek His will and loving purpose. The way to man’s redemption was challenging and daunting for Me, but I became The Son of Man that they might become the sons of the Most High.

Celebrate with Me today the kingship of the Son of Man who in humility and self-giving led the faithful through His suffering and death to life eternal. Rejoice today and every day as you pray and strive to follow in the steps of the Son of Man who is the King of Glory, beloved and honoured by the Lord of All.