Saturday, March 13th
Hosea 6:1-6. Luke 18:9-14

The Lord your God, Father of all born into His world, is merciful, quick to forgive and draw into the joy of His Presence and the power of His Being all who turn from sin and waywardness and return to the hope of their high calling. Let Love be your judge as He is your redeemer – your way, your truth, your life. Give yourself in Love through Love to the Lord of All through the light and leading of Our Holy Spirit. I am the Father’s Word Incarnate to all who give themselves to Love’s indwelling.

I, the Father’s beloved and loving Son, laid aside the power and the glory at His side to enter, save and redeem His world according to His loving purpose and in the power of his love. And humility is the badge which identifies the true follower of The Son of Man, faithfulness in love and in self-giving the power to fulfil all the Father wills and purposes.