Friday March 19th
Wisdom 2:1, 12-22. John 1:1-2. 10, 25-30

Truth challenges falsehood and unredeemed humanity: it was ever thus and will be until time shall end, Those whose heart and mind refuse to accept truth presented to them will seek to destroy both the message and the one who brings it. But though they may bring suffering on the one and many it is their own soul that they destroy unless they turn, repent and return to truth in love and self-giving,

Truth reveals more truth to all committed to it, calling for faith and trust in Him who is The Way, The Truth The Life. I, the Father’s beloved and loving Son, His Word Incarnate and Incarnate Love am He. Let mind and heart be open to the mystery of incarnation and redemption. The Father’s ever-active all-pervasive love is over all things and seeks entry into every mind and heart, seeking to bring the one and many into the fulness of eternal life in Him.