July 7th.
10:1-3,7-8,12. Matthew 10:1-7
The Lord God, creator and
sustainer of all He has
created, looks for fruit
from and through the power
of His love. Down countless
ages of recorded and of
unrecorded time many have
responded and identified
with his loving purpose
in the grace and power of
His love, But many, too,
have denied the light and
guiding of Our Holy Spirit.
And not a few have become
lost in the pain and darkness
of their own making.
But the Lord God, creator,
loving Father of every child
born into His world .waits
for each and all to turn
from all that separates
them from His love that
He may pour upon them such
things as pass man’s
knowledge, understanding
or imagination. And He calls
each one and all together
to work to establish the
Kingdom of His love in and
through the grace and power
of Our redeeming, sanctifying
love and the light and guiding
of Our Holy Spirit.
Ask, seek, knock continually
and in loving expectation.