Saturday, July 24th
Jeremiah 7;1-11. Matthew 13:24-30

The word of the Most high is His Presence in the world of His creation. All who dishonour or neglect it dishonour Him. And all who fail to love and serve their brothers and their sisters near and far bring upon themselves the judgment of the Most High who judges all in love.

Love calls to perfection and fulfilment in the Presence of the Most High: the process is a gradual growth in the one and many who seek a better way of life and living than self-service and living at the expense and well-being of others. All who hurt or harm others by word or action are lost in the darkness of their own making, the light of life obscured by their own choice.

The Word of the Most High is the light, the life, the love of all born into the world. I who seek to enter heart and mind of one and all am the word incarnate and incarnate love of the Most High.