July 29th
John 4:7-16. John 11:19-28
To live in love for Him
who created all things and
for His created world is
to have eternal life. I,
His beloved and loving Son,
am Love Incarnate, bringing
all who are in Me and I
in them to the fulness of
eternal life in the Father
with and in and through
Our loving Holy Spirit.
Let Love enter every fibre
of your being and prompt
all you think and say and
do. So will the Father’s
loving purpose be increasingly
fulfilled in you and reach
out to others as you respond
in faithfulness and self-giving
through My indwelling and
the light and guiding of
Our Holy Spirit.
I am The Resurrection and
the Life and with and in
and through Our Holy Spirit
the Father’s creative
and recreative Presence
in His world. Come, one
and all, to your loving
Heavenly Father through
My indwelling and the dynamic
of Our Holy Spirit.